3 warnings you should know before go into Mexico with a firearm

firearm crimes in Tijuana
go into Mexico with a firearm

Go into Mexico with a firearm? Gun law regulations in Mexico are very strict, unlike the United States, in Mexico to be able to have a weapon in your possession it is necessary to have a permit issued by the Mexican Army, in addition to the fact that there are few firearms in Mexico that you can carry legally.

Wikipedia notes the following about the regulation of gun law “The regulation of firearms in Mexico is governed by legislation that establishes the legality by which members of the armed forces, law enforcement and private citizens can acquire, possess, possess and carry firearms; which covers the rights and limitations of individuals, including participants in hunting and shooting sports, property and personal protection personnel, such as bodyguards, security officers, private security, and extends to VIPs (diplomats, public officials ). , celebrities)”

Our law firm justicia transparente warns you about 3 important points that you should know before entering Mexico with firearms:

1. The gun law  is aggressive towards people who do not live in Mexico.

The Mexican gun law in conjunction with the law that regulates the Mexican criminal process (Article 168, section I) establishes that any person who does not live in Mexico is considered to have no roots, that is, a place where Mexican justice can send you summonses in case you are arrested for a weapons crime and brought before the judge.

Accused a relative of a crime in Mexico? Do you need to know if it is a crime to bring weapons into Mexico? Do you need to know if it is a crime to bring marijuana into Mexico? The prosecutor is accusing me of having committed a crime that I did not commit? Has your loved one been in jail in Mexico for years?

If you are in one of these situations, hire an online consultation.

This means that a person who comes from abroad, for example from the United States, and is arrested at a Mexican customs for carrying a firearm, bullets or gun cartridges, can be held in a Mexican prison while it is decided whether he is guilty or innocent of the charges. charges against him.

The Mexican criminal process lasts approximately 1 year, in our transparent justice firm we have legal solutions to guarantee the freedom of our clients.

2. The permit to carry weapons in the United States has no legal validity in Mexico.

Permits to carry weapons in any state of the American Union do not have legal validity in Mexico, so showing it to the authorities who carry out your arrest will not be of any use at the time of your arrest.

However, on some occasions it may be useful to have your permit to carry weapons in the United States for the purposes of being able to prove that in the mind of the American or foreign person this action was legal, which in Mexico is an exclusion of crime which It is called “Invincible Ban Error”.

3.The prosecutor did not need to prove that you intended to shoot in Mexico, since the crime is proven by simply bringing the weapon into Mexico.

On many occasions we have heard from our clients who have been arrested for this crime upon entering Mexico that they are not criminals and that they forgot that they had the weapon with them.

The reality is that the Mexican weapons law only requires carrying the weapon with you, either on your clothes or in your vehicle so that the crime can be proven, as indicated by this article of the Mexican weapons law:

Article 83.- Anyone who carries a weapon for the exclusive use of the Army, Navy or Air Force without the corresponding permit will be punished:

 I. With imprisonment of three months to one year and a fine of one to ten days, in the case of weapons included in section i) of article 11 of this Law;

II. With imprisonment of three to ten years and a fine of fifty to two hundred days, in the case of weapons included in sections a) and b) of article 11 of this Law, and

III. With imprisonment of four to fifteen years and a fine of one hundred to five hundred days, in the case of any of the other weapons included in article 11 of this Law.

In cases where the weapon does not have conditions to be used, that is, it does not have conditions to be fired, the defender of the arrested person may use this argument in his favor to prove that the conduct does not constitute a crime, as the conditions do not exist. that carrying the weapon could endanger the public safety of Mexicans.

Justicia transparente criminal lawyers we are specialists in defending matters related to arrests related to gun law.

The Mexican criminal process explained in English

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